Sunday, April 8, 2012


Well guys, it's Easter. We've made it more than halfway through the school year. (There's only 56 more school days) We've had homework, projects, tests and teachers that we just absolutely disliked no matter how hard we tried not to. But for now, we get a weekend to rest, to put school and work out of your mind. Unless you're like me, you've probably been lounging on the couch, watching TV and basically doing nothing productive for the past 2 days. Now, we've still got tomorrow to rest up, and just enjoy our life without the everyday hassle of getting up early, work, work, and more work.
Now, for those of us that aren't so lucky, and are loaded with a TON of projects and tests, we've been using this time to do the things that we have to do. (Like those 4 French book reports that I have to do...) Or not... But the thing is, we were not procrastinating. We weren't! We were simply thinking about the homework, and trying to come up with the best way to do it, while we casually sit ourselves in front of our computers, listening to music. And we weren't surfing the net! We really weren't! We were looking for inspiration! That way, when we start the project or the assignment, we can do better. We'll be more focused. Ahem...
But seriously, we need more time to relax, to spend time with our family (yes, we do spend quality time with them...) and just more time to not have to worry about that big test you have coming up, or the HUGE Science project that's due in 2 days. We need time to de-stress!!
It's Easter, and we still have one more day of Freedom. Use it wisely. ;)


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